"3x3 EYES" is a Japanese manga work by Takada Yuzo. It was serialized in Kodansha's "Young Magazine Extra Issue Pirate Version" from December 14, 1987, to April 10, 1989, and in "Weekly Young Magazine" from the 9th issue of 1989 to the 39th issue of 2002. It won the 17th Kodansha Manga Award in the shōnen category in 1993.
The story is an adventure to become human, featuring the heroine Pai, a three-eyed monster known as "Sanjiyanunkara", and Fujii Yakumo, who has become an immortal being, "Wu", bound in body and spirit with her. The names and settings of the monsters appearing in the story are based on Chinese culture and Indian mythology, with many scenes set in various Asian locations outside of Japan, such as Tibet and India.