When he was in the third year of middle school, he watched Mobile Suit Victory Gundam. While reading an anime magazine, he discovered that the voice of the protagonist Uso Ewin, which he had assumed was played by a child actor, was actually performed by Sakaguchi Daisuke, who was 20 years old at the time. This revelation deeply impressed him and inspired him to pursue a career as a voice actor.
As a voice actor, he has appeared in numerous anime, television shows, and games. Among the games he has worked on, he cites Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love as a particularly memorable title. Since childhood, he has been a fan of Hiroi Ōji and Red Company productions such as Galaxy Fraulein Yuna, Tengai Makyo, and Mashin Hero Wataru. To have the opportunity to appear in works created by someone he admired so much was a dream come true.
Notable starring role: Wonderweiss Margela in BLEACH.