Graduated from Fukuoka School of Music.
At the age of five, after watching Heero Yuy in "New Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru, an interest in voice acting began to blossom. Later, during middle school, after watching anime on a specialty channel on SKY PerfecTV!, a love for anime developed.
In high school, after receiving a pamphlet from a friend about a specialized school where Midorikawa Hikaru was coming as a special instructor, the decision to take on the challenge and attend the specialized school was made.
In 2009, during vocational school, virtually debuted as a voice actor by playing the role of Sadias in the game "Golden Bonds," and then professionally debuted in 2011 by playing the role of Yoshino Satochi in the web anime "Armed Middle Schooler."