The original work is a Japanese light novel by Asato Asato. The setting is the fictional world of the Republic of San Magnolia. The Republic of San Magnolia is a nation where a mad discriminatory ideology prevails, recognizing only the white race as human, and minorities other than the white race are persecuted.
The story begins as the neighboring military state, the Gearde Empire, invades using fully autonomous unmanned weapons called "Legion." In response, the Republic of San Magnolia also deploys unmanned weapons called "Juggernauts" to repel the threat. However, in reality, "Juggernauts" are manned combat vehicles, and the persecuted minorities within the country are forced to pilot them, continuing to fight on the battlefield until death.
The minority races are driven out to areas beyond the Republic's 85 districts and are despised by the white race as humanoid livestock, derogatorily referred to as "Eighty-Six." Amidst this, a white race officer, Vladilena Milizé, who works to abolish discriminatory policies within the military, is assigned to control the Spearhead Squadron, where Shin Ei Nouzen is stationed.
Theme Song
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